Featured Item: Spring Garlic and Spring Onions

Spring onions and spring garlic are part of the allium family of vegetables which also includes shallots, chives, and leeks.  As Sam from Alvarez Farms explained, when "spring" is in the name, the entire plant can be used from root to tip.  The bulbs can be used as you would regular onions or garlic.  The tops are very flavorful and can be used in recipes or as a garnish.  Check with your farmer to find out their favorite ways to prepare these spring goodies!

Spring Onions are early onions that are picked and used in recipes.  If they continue to grow, they will turn into full sized onions.  Store in a plastic bag in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator.  They are delicious simply grilled with olive oil and salt.  

Spring Garlic can be used the same as regular garlic bulbs, although spring garlic has not formed its cloves or paper covering yet.  Wrap spring garlic in a damp paper towel and place in a plastic bag and store in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator.  Sam likes to thin the greens with a knife and then places the garlic underneath meat or potatoes on the grill.

Great recipes to try:

Roasted Green Garlic - https://www.thespruceeats.com/roasted-green-garlic-2217048. Delicious served with toasted bread, soft cheese, and herbs!

Spring Onion Soup - https://brooklynsupper.com/spring-onion-soup/

Scallion Green Pesto (use the spring onion green tops instead of scallions) - https://food52.com/recipes/27799-scallion-green-pesto

Chinese Scallion Pancakes - https://omnivorescookbook.com/chinese-scallion-pancakes/#wprm-recipe-container-26015

To learn more about the difference between spring onions, scallions, leeks, and ramps:
