Hungry for Change

Happy Post-Thanksgiving to All

The title about says it.

Yesterday I officially entered the Bellevue Farmers Market Off-Season Mourning Period when I opened my vegetable drawer after returning from a Thanksgiving trip and discovered dwindling amounts of fresh produce. Add to that, my children went on some kind of apple binge, and now we're down to one Gala. This may eventually require a trip to the University District Farmers Market, but I'm putting it off because I know you all enjoy the break from rain, and it ALWAYS rains when I go over to the U District.

Quick note if you were a turkey deep-fryer this year: King County invites you to recycle all that cooking oil at a convenient location. As some wag at the County reminds us, pouring fats down the drain "can...cause clogs and back-ups in residential plumbing, leading to messy, expensive clean ups that are certain to dampen holiday spirits." Hear, hear! Nothing takes the wind out of holiday joy like raw sewage overflows. Not to mention, all the baking and hot apple cider in the world will disguise that smell from the houseguests.

And lastly a link to Hungry for Change's blog, for those interested in industrial food gloom and doom and More Things on Your Plate to Be Afraid of. (Clearly I'm not making fun of you, since I fall into this group as the Urban Farm Junkie!)

Enjoy your holiday season kick-off.