Become a BFM Vendor
*** Please Read before you apply ***
If you are a NEW vendor, read our eligibility requirements below. If you qualify, fill out the New Vendor Interest Form and we will contact you to submit an application if there is space in your product category.
The $40 application fee is non-refundable. We will only respond to applicants that meet our criteria and needs as described below and in our Rules and Regulations.
2024 Market Dates:
Weekly THURSDAY MARKET, May 23rd - October 24th, no market on July 4th. 22 weeks.
May - September, 3 - 7 PM
October, 3 - 6 PMSATURDAY MARKETS 10am - 2pm on November 23rd and December 21st.
Do you qualify?
Bellevue Farmers Markets is committed to providing a desirable and successful marketplace with a healthy number of vendors and diverse mix of products. Though space is limited each season, we do bring in new vendors if the opportunity/need for a particular type of product opens up.
Bellevue Farmers Market accepts:
Washington State farmers selling their own fresh and value-add products.
Washington State food vendors who make processed artisan foods from scratch using local farm ingredients.
Washington State ready-to-eat food vendors making prepared foods from scratch using local farm ingredients.
Bellevue Farmers Market is a non-profit organization dedicated to support and strengthen Washington State farms. We also have room for unique, locally-focused food businesses that do not already have major retail distribution or a brick-and-mortar location. Space is limited for food trucks.
Farm products that are currently under-represented or needed at our market include: pork and chicken, sheep and cow artisan cheeses, milk, butter; locally-grown nuts, seeds and grains.
Bellevue Farmers Market cannot accept:
Non-food businesses
Out-of-state businesses
Craft vendors (however, farmers only may include a small amount of farm-sourced & produced crafts as an adjunct to their primary inventory of farm-grown foods - allowed on a case-by-case basis - for e.g., Holiday wreaths, sheep's wool)
Carnival or fairground-type foods (sno-cones, hot dogs, etc.)
Nationally distributed packaged foods, energy drinks, etc.
Vendors who sell pet foods, dog treats, products for pets or animals
Imported or out-of-state agricultural products
Wholesale or resale products of any kind
Locally made products that do not include Washington farm-sourced ingredients
CBD or any other consumable marijuana products
Complete a Vendor Interest Form
If you are a new vendor and meet our qualifications, you may submit details about your farm and products for our review, via the Vendor Interest Form link below. Please note that this is NOT an application to sell - this is simply an inquiry of interest from you to us. We will review your information and then let you know if we are able to offer you an opportunity to submit an application.
We always welcome inquiries from farmers, fishers, and dairies, however, please bear in mind that space is limited and there is no room for all who inquire. For non-farm food businesses, please note that we receive many more inquiries of interest than we can accommodate. Non-farm food vendors must be prepared to submit product samples, menus, labels, marketing materials, and price points if requested for review.
Application Process
Farmers and vendors who sold the previous season (and are in good standing regarding rules, fee payments, etc.) are invited to apply to return in the coming season. New vendors will be invited to apply if there is space available.
The application fee is non-refundable and we will only respond to applications that meet our criteria and needs as described above and in our rules and regulations.
Open application between February 1, 2024 to April 1, 2024. We will continue to consider vendor applications throughout the season to fill needed categories.
Instructions to APPLY
The Bellevue Farmers Market uses an online platform called Manage My Market for our application process and communication with vendors throughout the season.
Complete a profile for your business on Manage My Market. If you’re applying for the first time, click register now to create an account on Manage My Market. You will select “I’m a Vendor” after clicking “register now”.
When completing your profile, please provide a valid email address and phone number. All future communications will be made via the email address provided.
When you arrive at the “My Products” page of your profile, please list every product that you would like to sell and be specific. The more specific you are, the more it will benefit your application.
After completing and/or updating your business profile, you’re ready to begin filling out the application.
Select “Click Here to Apply to a Market” and use the zip code 98004 to find the Bellevue Farmers Market.
Select the correct market you want to apply to and follow the simple directions while filling out each page of the application. Remember to click SAVE at the bottom of each page!
Select only the market days you can attend. Consistent attendance is essential to the success of your business and our market. Vendors who fail to keep their commitments jeopardize the success of the markets as a whole as well as their individual businesses.
3. Submit the market APPLICATION and the nonrefundable application fee
The application fee is non-refundable and we will only respond to applications that meet our criteria and needs as described above and in our rules and regulations. To pay online, click on the payment button in your accounts tab in manage my market. To pay by check, please make it payable to Bellevue Farmers Market and send it to PO Box 3283, Bellevue, WA 98009.
After we receive your application and application fee, your status will appear to be “Received.” At this time we will determine if you meet our criteria and whether the market has space for your product type. We will reach out to you within 2 weeks if we need more information to make this initial determination, otherwise your application will be moved to either Pending, Approved, or Decline.
5. Your Application is Approved
After your application is approved you are responsible for obtaining all required permits and licenses for your business and uploading copies of all required documents to your manage my market profile one week before your first market day. Here is a checklist to make sure you have everything you need to be successful on your first market day. More resources for vendors are available here.
A market profile with information regarding loading, parking, booth location, restrooms, etc. will be sent out to all approved vendors 1 week before their first market day.
All vendors and their staff must read our rules and regulations handbook and market profile, be prepared with the right equipment and signage, and have a good understanding of our programs and procedures prior to selling in our market. All on-site representatives will be asked to sign an agreement that states that they understand and agree to comply with Market rules and policies.