On Thursday afternoons, we come together as a community in unified appreciation for the fresh, nourishing, delicious, local products brought each market day by Washington small farms (land and sea) and local food entrepreneurs. Bellevue Farmers Market believes in the potential for fresh, local foods to improve and sustain the health and wellbeing of our entire community in Bellevue and regionally. We gladly operate several food benefit programs - SNAP, Market Match, Senior FMNP, WIC - and we encourage all participants (and their loved ones) to learn more about, and to utilize, these important offerings. Further, we host the experiential Power of Produce (PoP) Club to introduce children to the exciting range of fresh WA produce (2-bite challenge), and we periodically invite participation in a simple craft or activity – a highlight is zucchini car racing.

Bellevue Farmers Market is a non-profit organization, so to put this on, we do rely on community support.

Will you help sustain BFM by contributing today? 


How do I donate?

Use the form above.

Or, send a check to:

Bellevue Farmers Market
PO Box 3283
Bellevue WA 98009.

You may also visit the Information Booth on Market Day and provide a donation by cash, check, or credit card.

How is Bellevue Farmers Market supported?

Bellevue Farmers Market receives support from local donations, sponsorships, grants, and market stall fees.

What is Bellevue Farmers Market’s tax ID number?

Bellevue Farmers Market’s tax ID number is 20-0867594

Is Bellevue Farmers Market a tax-exempt organization?

Yes. Bellevue Farmers Market is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. In other words, we are a non-profit organization, and your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our tax ID number is: 20-0867594

Is my donation tax deductible?

Yes, all donations to Bellevue Farmers Market are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, as long as no goods or services were exchanged. You will receive an email confirmation immediately after submitting your donation, and this email can serve as a receipt for tax purposes.

Where is my donation receipt?

Online donations: You will receive an email confirmation after submitting your online donation. This email serves as your donation receipt. You can print or save the email as proof of receipt for tax purposes.

Check/Cash donations: If you donated by check to Bellevue Farmers Market, you will receive an email confirmation after your donation has been processed.

How do I change or update my monthly donor information?

To modify or cancel your monthly donation at any time, please email

something else?

Please email