Sea Breeze Farm

Last Thursday Market of the Season!

The mournful day is upon us this week--our last Thursday Market of 2015. Thankfully we still have the Saturday Market until Thanksgiving, but you've probably noticed several vendors are unique to our weekday Market.

One prominent one is Vashon Island's famous Sea Breeze Farm. Foodies have long known these producers of dairy and meats of all sorts, and some of you might even have enjoyed dinner at the Farm on the Island. Sea Breeze raises cows, sheep, chickens, ducks, pigs, and even sometimes geese, rotating their stock on green, green grass. They're your go-to for raw-milk dairy products and specialty sausages, as well as old standbys like bacon.

Those square little suckers piled up are duck breasts!

(I apologize for the terrible pictures, a combination of their glass display case and my phone camera.)

For the folks who've eaten everything

It was the "Lamb Merguez Crepinettes" which first drew my eye, since I'd never heard of such a thing. It turns out this creation is spiced lamb sausage wrapped in caul fat. Who knew? If you Google "Lamb Merguez Crepinettes," it turns out there's a whole subculture well-versed in their crepinettes of all sorts.

Being less daring last week, I chose the more familiar Chorizo, to use at some point in a recipe for Chorizo and White Bean Ragu.

When I do make the recipe, I'll be sure to pair it with my new favorite vegetable, the "Smoky and Spicy Roasted Cauliflower" from Good and Cheap, which I mentioned last week.

To this point we haven't had any cauliflower fans in our household, but this one won over the adults. Grab a head of cauliflower this week and give it a go. And enjoy this last Thursday!

Smoky and Spicy Roasted Cauliflower (from Good and Cheap)

1 head cauliflower, stem and florets, cut into small pieces
2 cloves garlic, unpeeled
1 Tbsp melted butter
1 tsp paprika
1/4-1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 400F. Spread cauliflower and garlic in roasting pan and drizzle with butter. Sprinkle on the spices and toss. Bake 45-60 minutes till nicely (and even darkly) browned. Squeeze garlic out over cauliflower and serve.