Happy 242nd birthday, America!
[Photo by Stephanie McCabe on Unsplash
Here's wishing everyone has a barbecue planned, to celebrate. If you've been asked to bring something, I hope you set aside some berries from last week's Market! They come in such patriotic colors, after all.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you an army of tayberries.
If you, alas, already gobbled your berries, you might have to get creative with your contribution. Consider this alternate little army another guest at a graduation open house supplied:
Yes, sir, that would be an army of bubble tea
If you're a lover, not a fighter, the Market has a tie-dyed rainbow of goodness for you this week because, as well all know, summer in Seattle starts on the 5th of July. Multi-colored berries, sugar snap peas, tomatoes, roasted peanuts, cherries, the FIRST PEACHES(!!!), chickens, eggs, bacon, purply wines and amber-y ales and milky probiotic-y drinks. Like our great country, there's room for all colors and varieties, and we're all the richer for it. Eat up and enjoy!