
Pop Quiz to Win a Jar of Local Honey!

All righty, Marketgoers. I've become hooked on the television show The Amazing Race (I know, I know--after 20+ seasons I'm pretty late to the party), so I'm into challenges like scavenger hunts. That means I've got a little task for you, with a free jar of Market honey to whoever emails me first with the correct answers!

No clue? Then hit our Market this Thursday and put your sleuthing hats on. If you tasted the fireweed honey last week, you know this will be worth the effort.

Examples of the Prix D'Or. One of these babies might have your name on it!

Ready, set, go!

1.  Name the variety of flower grown here:

2.  What is the newest flavor of luscious caramels Jonboy has for us?

3. Name Samish Bay's award-winning cheese, upon which they spin off variations:

4. What flavor of pie would this be? (Hint: check my post from last week.)

5. And who would these handsome, musical fellows be?

6.  What is the legal pour size you can taste from our Market wineries?

7. Which of our new bakeries this season makes these decorative beauties?

8. Name the Market vendor who periodically offers an array of fabulous foodie reads for all ages.

9. (A two-parter.) Which farmer will be offering a veggie CSA in June, and what is one vegetable they expect to grow this summer?

10. And finally, it's a ways till fresh blueberry season, so where did I get these frozen ones?

Good luck to all! I'm at if you think you have the winning answers!